Lili's Painting Lili's Painting Lili's Painting

Lili's Painting

Lili was born the oldest of three children in 1958. He was brought up in an age of 1960s and 70s during the political upheavals known as the Cultural Revolution, which exerted a certain influence on his paintings. Because of the Cultural Revolution, he spent his whole childhood in the countryside in Hubei Provence. Lili started showing interest in painting since he was a kid. He is passionate about drawing and painting. In 1981, he completed bachelor degree from Hubei Institute of fine art in oil painting. Since then, he went back to hometown as a vice principal at local Art Institute.

Most of his paintings describe an ideal harmony among human being and nature. Lili loves traditional Chinese culture, especially Laozi's and Zhuangzi's philosophy, which are key elements in Lili’s painting. Lili pursuits simple composition, colour and theme, but it contains far-reaching concept.

LiLi is a nature loving artist with more than 40 years of oil painting and teaching experience. He has held many personal exhibitions of his exquisite nature paintings. Many of his artworks have been collected by individuals and galleries all over the world.

Selected Exhibitions

1995 HongKong Tianyuan Art Gallery Solo Exhibition

(All paintings were collected)

1999 China National Art Exhibition

2014 Shanghai Art Exhibition (Gold Award)



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